What is it?
During the Summer, Christmas and Easter school holidays, we host an Active programme which we have named ‘DHI Holiday Activities Club’ in support of the Rashford ‘Fit and Fed’ scheme influenced by Premiership footballer Marcus Rashford.
Our holiday activities club includes a wide range of sports and activities along with a daily healthy meal.
What do we provide?
We offer age-appropriate physical fun and enriching activities that provide children with an opportunity to consolidate existing skills and knowledge or to try out new experiences. We continue to support young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
We also include enrichment activities that can include Internet safety, Nutrition/cooking workshops, Guest speakers, Football workshop and Performance, Family Activities, Local Attraction trips, Kids entertainer and magician, tickets to events such as football matches etc.

Programme details and locations

Stonebridge site
Where? Brent Hub Community Enterprise Centre 6 Hillside, London, NW10 8BN
When? School holidays From 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Who is it for? 5 -14 year olds
Click here to enrol your child
Summer Camp 2024
This Summer, DHI Holiday Activities Club, will be hosting some fun and exciting activities for you to enjoy and there are still spaces available! The club will be running Monday, 29th of July to Thursday, 22nd of August 2024 (4 days ONLY) from 10 am to 2 pm.
Your child will be able to enjoy lots of team games and activities, sports, themed crafts, outdoor scavenger hunts and amazing trips, such as roller skating, while keeping active and enjoying a healthy and tasty lunch every day! Click here to see our flyer.
For those in receipt of Benefit-Free School Meal, this program is completely free, including trips. However, you will need to obtain a new code from your school office before they close for the Easter holidays, as previous codes will not be recognized by the booking platform. Please click here for eligibility information.
For those who do not meet the HAF requirements and are not identified as vulnerable. Please email us at info@dhieducationandarts.org for more information